Saturday 1 November 2014

Yoga Practice: The benefits of Yoga, the art of meditation, and basic, intermediate and advanced Asana Yoga postures

Yoga practice is a gift from the providence. It has several benefits to human beings; these are namely:

1.     Connecting the mind with the body to sense a divine presence in the inner-self;
2.     Keeping the mind in the best peaceful state;
3.      Healing  humans from common diseases and illnesses;
4.      Keeping humans healthy for their spiritual and physical well-being;
5.      Motivating human beings to seeking the purpose of their existences;
6.     Helping man find solutions to many confused situations of his daily life;
7.      Keeping him united by promoting non-violence.

  Meditation is one form of yoga known as Dhyana Yoga (or, the Yoga of meditation)

Basic Asana: Asana Yoga with some of its poses and postures that create inner peace and self-motivation

The circle of the cycle of basic Asana Yoga practice (Basic Asana)

Some intermediate to advanced Asana Yoga: More yogic postures and poses

At the advanced stages of Asana Yoga practice, postures and poses dwell more relevant and more meaningful

Some advanced Asana Yoga poses and postures

More advanced, yet still spiritually gratifying yogic postures of Asana Yoga (The Yoga of postures)

Yogic postures known as Ashtanga Yoga

Several types/kinds of other yogic postures and their specific descriptive worths

Some more Ashtanga Yoga postures - yogic postures known as 'Ashtanga'

Other types/kinds of other yogic postures with their specific descriptive titles

Yogic Postures with their descriptive titles - From Sanskrit to English

Yogic Postures with their descriptive titles - From Sanskrit to English (with some detailed understandings)