Sunday 15 March 2015


The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga
(By Deepak Chopra)
¬ Synopsis by V. Kodai ¬
The 7 Spiritual Laws of Yoga
By Deepak Chopra & David Simon
Deepak Chopra sets the tone with this book of his as he portrays yoga as being one the prime objective towards the welfare of human beings. He writes briefly on its impact upon man’s sane health. He elaborates on the origin of yoga and of its early usage by the great sages of India. He even writes about the essential characteristics of yoga, its importance and its symbolic meanings to the whole of humanity, how it promotes healthy living, and, how it may shape a man’s strong morale, positive inspirations and positive insights. The seven chakras of yoga are: Root Chakra, Creativity Chakra, Energy Chakra, Heart Chakra, Expression Chakra, Intuition Chakra, and Consciousness Chakra. However, the seven spiritual laws of yoga are: Law of Pure Potentiality, Law of Giving & Receiving, Law of Karma (or Cause and Effect), Law of Least effort, Law of Intention & Desire, Law of Detachment, and, Law of Dharma (or purpose in life). Dr. Chopra suggests that the body needs to have a certain state of rest and peace of mind in order for it to move onward on the right pathway to good fortune. It needs continuous healing and it has to have a balance between diet and physical activities. The ways in which yoga is characterized in this book has ties to tranquility and to the truthful spirit away from violence and lust. The author is very firm as he touches base on key elements of the awakening of the mind. He admits that meditation, breathing exercises and purification of the mind have great roles to play in the technology of Yoga & meditation. The reciting of mantras has a great impact on how yoga is carried out. Deepak Chopra says that yogic postures help humans to focus on their internal organs and this enables spiritual connectivity in their inner-selves. Dr. Chopra also stresses on the fact that meditation and yoga have several benefits to human beings’ health: its practice enhances our lifestyles and prolongs our lives.